Buoy Program
Yellow Buoys
To minimize the proliferation of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Lac St-Pierre, the Lac St-Pierre Association installs yellow buoys to mark areas on the lake where this invasive weed is found in large quantities.
Please do not cross into these areas with your motorboats.
We all thank you for your cooperation.
White Buoys
White buoys are installed among the yellow buoys to inform boaters of the presence of Eurasian Watermilfoil. These buoys are produced in accordance with Transport Canada guidelines.
Many thanks to our sponsors for the white buoys:
Excavation 307 nord, Sonic Rail Services Ltd, Michel Francoeur and Susan Martin.
If you would like to sponsor the purchase of a white buoy, please contact a us at info@lacstpierre.ca
Every early summer we install buoys on the lake and every fall season we remove them. We need your help!
We are always looking for volunteers to help us with this!