Board of Directors

Teresa Martin
President & Environment Director

Sébastien Guérin
Vice President

Marcel Pronovost

Mirelle Lévesque
Director, IT

Susan Martin Bush

André Sauvé

Jenni Tipper

Michel Patenaude

Steve Smith


“We recognize the direct link between property values and the quality of the water on our lake. Maintaining water quality depends on the collaborative efforts of all property owners/dwellers and the Municipality of Val-des-Monts. Therefore, our primary focus is to connect with all those associated with our lake and have them join us in managing (i.e. safeguarding and improving) the water quality of our lake.” — The Board

  • Safeguard

    the investments made by lake St. Pierre property owners in their lake properties - both in terms of the economic investments as well as the quality of life.

  • Collaborate

    with the Municipality of Val-des-Monts and other Lake Associations, groups or bodies dedicated to the promotion of interests compatible with those of Lac St-Pierre.

  • Connect

    with our members and other lake property owners to solicit their support in safeguarding their investments in their lake properties.

President’s Message

We are all neighbours and stewards of our lake.

Our actions have an impact on our community and surroundings.

Let’s treat each other and our environment with respect and kindness.